Patch Purpose
The purpose of this patch program is to engage older Girl Scouts (Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassadors) in preparing to be on their own - in short, how to "Adult". Once girls have completed steps to earn all the rockers, they should have the basic knowledge needed to live a successful life.
The full patch set is 5.5" in diameter and contains 17 patches. Click here to see a photograph of the actual patch set.
Testimonials from Troops Who have Earned the Patch
My troop started earning this their Junior year in high school, when they started panicking about becoming adults. By the time they finished it, they knew they were ready. It's a great program and covers all the basis. This was perfect for virtual meetings with our troop!!! The girls really enjoyed it. Our troop did this one!! It is a great program and they learnt a lot of very useful skills that they will need to use soon. I love that GS offers such a wonderful opportunity to learn real life skills!!! |
Patches have been sold to 43 states to date.
Patch Program Steps
The patch program is separated into four subject areas: Skills for Life, Personal Life, Financial Life, and Civic Life. There are four rockers per subject area for a total of 16 rockers that can be earned. The steps are presented below. To provide flexibility and choice, girls may do any 4 "small tasks" or a single "large task". Girls can choose to earn a rocker either way (by doing the small tasks or the larger task) and not all rockers have to be earned the same way. We want to meet girls where they are - so if they have earned some of the Girl Scout badges below, then they have also earned the Adulting 101 rocker for that area - it just means they have a head start on gaining their life skills!
This badge will continue to evolve as "adulting" needs change and is a on-going program of GSAlumnae*SF Bay Area. There is no deadline to order patches. If you have a skill that you think should be added, please contact us.
This badge will continue to evolve as "adulting" needs change and is a on-going program of GSAlumnae*SF Bay Area. There is no deadline to order patches. If you have a skill that you think should be added, please contact us.
Skills for Life
Basic Meals
Small Tasks (do 4):
----- OR ----- Large Tasks (do 1):
Car Chores
Small Tasks (do 4):
----- OR ----- Large Tasks (do 1):
House Chores
Small Tasks (do 4):
----- OR ----- Large Tasks (do 1):
Other Life Skills
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Personal Life
A Place to Live
Small Tasks (do 4):
Mental Health
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Health Care
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Physical Health
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Financial Life
FinancesSmall Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Get a Job
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Credit vs. Debit
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Public Life
Civic Life
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Media Savvy
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Manners & Etiquette
Small Tasks (do 4):
---- OR ---- Large Tasks (do 1):
Contact our patch coordinator with any questions regarding these programs or your patch order.